2019's resolution
Considering this as my goal for 2019. There are so many things that I want to do yet there’s always not enough time.
Theory/foundation-related goal
I want focus more time to brush up my machine learning knowledge starting from reviewing maths(continuing from last year) so the online courses I choose for this year is
- Multivariable calculus
- Linear algebra
- Statistic and probability
- Differential equation(not directly related to ML but out of curiosity I want to try it)
- Complex and real analysis
- Measurement theory
Machine learning theory
- fast.ai course
- CS 294 course(http://rail.eecs.berkeley.edu/deeprlcourse-fa17/index.html)
CS basic
- CMU 15-213(Introduction to Computer Systems)
- Algorithm course(MIT 6.006)
- CMU 15-721(Database system)
Technical-related goal
- Learn a Lisp dialect language(have to choose between CommonLisp and Scheme)
- Finish “Programming in Haskell”(stucked at chapter 13 last year)
- Learn C++(as I want to know about V8 internal)
- I want to understand internal working of React by reading its source code
- also new features of React such as Hooks
- WebAssembly
- Linux’s tracing(eBPF)
- Virtualization technology
- KVM programming(starting from lwn’s tutorial)
- Amazon’s firecracker
- Container related technology(namespace, cgroups)
- Although not using it but will review Kubernetes
Other goal
- Review N2 kanji and learn N1 kanji
- Learn to use Emacs
- Read at least 2 books and 1 paper per month
- Travel to at least 2 new countries